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Good Lock

Next One Hand Operation + update will fix Samsung Clock, Calendar icons issue



One Hand Operation icons issue

Samsung smartphone users have recently encountered a frustrating glitch related to app icons after enabling the One Hand Operation + feature. The icons for the calendar app and clock app in the quick launcher no longer update in real-time.

Previously, when you enabled the One Hand Operation Good Lock module, the icons remained consistent with the settings we applied. However, now when you select Quick Launcher in Handles, the clock and calendar app icons appear according to the default settings.

This means that if you’ve applied a theme, it’s not being applied to these app icons, resulting in an odd interface appearance.

Users have expressed frustration, especially those who rely on the One Hand Operation + feature for seamless navigation. Unfortunately, this inconsistency is affecting the icons as well.

Thankfully, Samsung has acknowledged the issue with One Hand Operation + icons. The moderator apologized for the inconvenience and assured users that the company would fix this problem in the next app update.

One Hand Operation icons issue

While One Hand Operation + is useful for many, this glitch has undoubtedly impacted its usability. So, you can still use its functions, it’s just the appearance of the icons that are affected.

Hey, Camila is here! From the very beginning, I love using Samsung phones like a die-hard fan. Apart from detailing One UI features for readers, I love exploring different apps of the Samsung ecosystem with a cup of tea!

Good Lock

Samsung hints at restoring a Theme Park customization feature



Samsung Theme Park Image customization feature

A recent update to Samsung‘s Theme Park app removed a feature beloved by users. The feature of the Theme Park Good Lock module that allowed image customization of folders and keycaps is no longer supported, causing disappointment among Galaxy users.

Addressing user feedback, Samsung has acknowledged the concerns. A community moderator has assured users that the company is actively reviewing ways to reintroduce the image customization feature for folders and keycaps to the Theme Park app.

In addition, the company also expressed apology for any inconvenience caused by the updated appp process. As of now, the moderators have not provided any specific answer or timeline regarding restoring this feature.

Hopefully, Samsung will restore the customization features soon to enhance the Theme Park experience. Until then, stay updated on the latest version of the app.

Samsung Theme Park Customization feature

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Good Lock

Samsung will fix ‘Close All’ task button issue in Home Up with upcoming updates



Samsung Home Up Close all button issue

Samsung Home Up Good Lock module is set to receive a new update that will address user concerns regarding the ‘close all’ button placement in different task changer views. Users have reported that the button is too high in the vertical list and slim types, which affects usability.

The issue seems to start from the One UI 6 release, with users noticing the change after updating. Those who prefer the vertical list layout find the button positioned too high, switching to the mini-grid layout for better accessibility.

In response to user feedback, the community moderator has confirmed that the Close All button placement issue of Home UP is recognized and will be resolved in an upcoming software update. This update will normalize the location of the ‘Close All’ button across all layouts for consistency and ease of use.

However, the timeline for this fix remains uncertain. The moderator has expressed that it is difficult to commit to a specific timeline for the release of this update. Users are advised to stay tuned for the update, which will enhance the user experience by providing a regular interface once again.

Samsung Home Up close button issue

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Good Lock

Samsung confirms Good Lock expansion, thanks Play Store



Samsung Good Lock Play Store

Samsung is preparing to launch its Good Lock app on the Google Play Store. This move will make the app more accessible to Galaxy users worldwide. The company has officially confirmed its expansion and shared its release status.

The Good Lock development team is working regularly to ensure that the app’s release meets the high quality and user experience. The team is conducting a vast review and optimization process to ensure that Good Lock works flawlessly upon its release.

Recently, there was a short appearance of Good Lock on the Play Store, which was not an official release but part of the testing process. The team swiftly reverted the service to private mode. They appreciate the patience and understanding of their users during the pre-testing phase.

The Good Lock app is soon going to be available on the Play Store, which is great news for more Samsung phone users. This time, it will be accessible to more Galaxy users.

The team is eager to share the app and will announce a specific release date as soon as it is finalized. They are working hard to make sure Good Lock is the best it can be and to keep making it better.

Samsung Good Lock Play Store

Source: (TarunVats)

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