Samsung, India’s most trusted brand, today finally launch the Galaxy M21 2021 Edition. The #WattaMonster smartphone provides a roundabout performance for Gen Z and thousands of...
At the moment, Samsung rolling out the major Android 11-based One UI 3.0 and One UI 3.1 update to its eligible Galaxy phones and tablets. So...
Though a bit late, Samsung has finally published its monthly software update rollout plan that mentions a number of older and latest Galaxy phones and tablets....
Note: One UI 3.5 will be known as One UI 3.1.1 Starting this year, Samsung introduced the newer version of its custom software system – One...
Released back in April 2021, Android 11 is the latest major upgrade for the Samsung Galaxy A80 smartphone. The update included all the bells and whistles...
Google has released a stable Android 11 OS, what about Samsung? The South Korean company has its own OS skin, One UI, which is based on...
Samsung’s One UI is based on Android, the One UI 3.0 and One UI 3.1 are also based on Android 11. So we decided to keep a...
As always, Samsung published its revised software update distribution plan, which includes several older and latest Galaxy phones and tablets. At the same time, the company...
Samsung has officially announced the third generation of One UI, One UI 3.0. The One UI 3.0 is based on Google’s Android 11 OS that is...
Samsung has rapidly upgraded countless Galaxy smartphones and tablets to the Android 11-based One UI 3.0/One UI 3.1 iteration so far. Still, the company rolling out...