WhatsApp has been working on a new feature that lets users mark some contacts as favorites for an adequate and more precise experience. Therefore, after a...
WhatsApp is planning to add some new AI-powered features that will elevate the user experience and make the application more user-friendly and appropriate. The era of...
WhatsApp takes proper care of the privacy of its users and to provide consumers an additional layer of security, the Meta-based app may soon let users...
Status updates are one of the significant features of WhatsApp, which is used and adored by users a lot, but the only thing that disappoints users...
WhatsApp is tirelessly working to make the platform more adequate and offer users an outstanding experience. Meanwhile, to make the conversation more precise, WhatsApp is working...
WhatsApp has been working on a feature that will offer enhanced control over your conversations and now after long development, the Chat Filters has started to...
WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will let users pin more than three chats. This new addition will empower users to maintain efficient communication...
WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature that allows business account users to view and manage communities on iOS devices. It will grant businesses the capability...
WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature, that indicates users when their chats are end-to-end encrypted to offer an extra layer of protection. Notably, this encryption...
WhatsApp is rolling out a new beta update for Android devices, which brings a fix to the link preview bug. Users can identify the latest beta...