In the United States, Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. This year, Black Friday falls on November 25, followed by Cyber Monday...
For the first time, Samsung made a comment on the verified label charges controversy on Twitter. Through its official Twitter handle, Samsung Germany has taken a...
Samsung started the Android 13-based One UI 5.0 Beta program for Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3 smartphones in October. So far, the...
Update: Malaysia – November 11… Samsung has now seeded the Android 13-based One UI 5.0 firmware for the Galaxy A53 smartphone users in Malaysia. It comes...
Samsung released the stable One UI 5.0 update for several Galaxy devices including Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20 Plus, and Galaxy S20 Ultra. Now, the company is...
Software update is a big deal for smartphone customers nowadays. In case you are wondering to purchase an Android smartphone, Samsung is undoubtedly the best choice...
Samsung started internal testing of the Android 13-based One UI 5.0 on several eligible smartphones after the stable release. Now, a new build of Samsung Galaxy...
Samsung Galaxy A73 smartphone users have begun collecting the Android 13-based One UI 5.0 update with lots of new features and enhancements. At the same time,...
November 11: UK, UAE and Malaysia… The Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra owners are now receiving the Android 13-based Stable One UI 5.0 update...
Earlier in November 2022, Samsung released a new update to its Gallery app with version for Android 10 and Android 9 devices. Now, the company...