
Keep ‘Samsung’ in your heart, not pick it as a password



It is very important to have a strong password for better security so that no one can decode it. Still, a large number of customers all over the world use ordinary passwords. A recent study reveals that “Samsung” or “samsung” is among the most common password globally.

A password manager service – Nordpass has recently conducted a study (via Naver) that reveals the most-used password on the planet. It shows that “password” is still the most used password worldwide, which is picked by nearly 5 million users.

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On the other side “samsung” is becoming an increasingly common choice for passwords in the last few years. A survey of 30 countries, including South Korea, reveals that the word “samsung” was used as a password frequently sufficiently to rank number 78 on the list of most-used passwords in 2021.

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This brand password has grown a lot since the year 2020 when its rank was at number 198. Not only the customers who use Samsung branded devices, but non-Samsung users are also commonly using the word ‘Samsung’ as their password.

The study further discloses other commonly used passwords, which are “123456,” “123456789,” and “guest”,  used for 1523537, 413056, and 376417 times respectively. In addition, the brands like Tiffany, Nike, and Adidas are also aging huge popularity at present time, while some are using car names, such as ‘kia’ and ‘mini’.

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