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Samsung’s cumulative employment rate exceeded 80%



Samsung SSAFY is a CSR program that was implemented by Samsung to expand and enhance youth employment competitiveness as a part of a measure to revitalize the economy and create jobs in August 2018.

Samsung is recruiting trainees for the 8th ‘Samsung Software Academy for youth from May 2nd to May 16th, 2022.’

The 8th SSAFY, which has selected a total of 1150 students will start a one-year training course at five campuses across the country from July 2022. If the 7th and 8th batches are combined together, then a total of 2300 young people will participate in SSAFY in the current year.

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SSAFY recruits trainees twice a year and has steadily increased the number of trainees, starting from five hundred students in December 2018.

SSAFY is developing and nurturing the software development capabilities among trainees immediately by putting them to a total of 1600 hours of productive training, which counts to 8 hours per day.

The software foundations courses improve algorithm-based coding, and gradually as the course proceeds it also practically enforces the competency, conducted software projects develop environment similar to that work.

On the other hand, it helps in finding employment. The trainees are also given the opportunity to participate in business-related projects and domestic software conferences. Many trainees are employed in more than 700 companies achieving an employment rate of 84%.